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How Phifer Protects Your Family from Flying Insects in your Yard. Learn more with HOLOHOLO SCREENS OAHU HAWAII Authorized Dealer of Phifer Mesh Screens 808-374-5433

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

How Phifer Protects your Family from No See Ums. Holoholo Screens HAWAII. Phifer Authorized Dealer in Honolulu, Oahu. Sliding Door Repair, Restoration and Replacement Specialists. HoloHolo Screens Sliding Door Repair Services across Oahu. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii. Call: 808-374-5433
No See Ums feeds on warm-blooded animals, including humans | HoloHolo Screens - Honolulu's sliding door repair, restoration and replacement experts | Call: 808-374-5433

What are NO SEE UMS?

Also known as biting midges or sand flies. They are tiny, blood-sucking insects that are found in many countries around the world. It is very difficult to kill No See Ums since they are so hard to see.

These biting flies can turn a wonderful summer evening into one filled with painful bites. The best way to avoid No See Um bites is to proactively protect your environment.

What Attracts NO SEE UMS?

No See Ums feeds on warm-blooded animals, including humans. They are also attracted to to moist, muddy, or swampy areas and they are most active during the night when temperatures drop and humidity rises.

Holoholo Screens HAWAII. Phifer Authorized Dealer in Honolulu, Oahu. Sliding Door Repair, Restoration and Replacement Specialists. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii. Call: 808-374-5433

What Causes NO SEE UMS to Bite?

There isn't a single cause as to why No See Ums bite but some factors may make them more likely to do so. These include carbon dioxide emissions from the exhaled breath of their targets, how close a person is to the area where they live, body heat, and how much light is present in their environment.

NO-SEE-UM Facts: Know Your Enemy

The first thing you need to if you are interested in how to get rid of No See Ums is to understand them. No See Ums are biting flies, measuring only 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch in size. They have a lifespan of about 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the species.

No See Ums feed on warm-blooded animals such as humans, birds, and mammals. No See Ums typically bite around the feet and ankles of their victims, leaving itchy red bumps that can last for days.

How Phifer Protects your Family from No See Ums. Holoholo Screens HAWAII. Phifer Authorized Dealer in Honolulu, Oahu. Sliding Door Repair, Restoration and Replacement Specialists. HoloHolo Screens Sliding Door Repair Services across Oahu. We are located at 94-547 Uke'e St. #112, Waipahu, HI 96797. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii. Call: 808-374-5433
Also known as biting midges or sand flies. They are tiny, blood-sucking insects that are found in many countries around the world. It is very difficult to kill No See Ums since they are so hard to see.

5 Ways to Protect your Family from NO SEE UMS

To avoid your family from getting bitten or having your property becoming a breeding ground for No See Ums, you'll want to review these five steps.

1. Batten Down the Hatches

The first step to No See Um control is to make sure your house is secure. They can easily enter your house through small cracks and crevices. Checking for tiny openings around windows, doors, and vents can help to keep No See Ums out of your home.

2. Install Special NO SEE UM Mesh Screens

No See Ums are so tiny they can easily pass through standard window screens. As such, if you want to avoid No See Ums, you'll need specialized No See Um mesh screens.

No See Um screening is designed with smaller holes to help prevent them from passing through. In addition to screening for doors and windows, No See Um mesh screen is often used for pool enclosures and screened porches.

The technical term for the openings in screens is aperture. Based on Phifer's research of the actual size of No See Ums, an aperture opening of 0.0013 square inches was determined to be the ideal maximum “hole” that would prevent most tiny insects from passing through it.

In simple terms, this small opening is achieved by weaving a tighter mesh pattern. It is important to also understand how yarn diameter size factors into making a No See Um screening product.

The smaller the yarn diameter, the tighter the mesh must be woven. Conversely, a larger diameter yarn can be used in a more open mesh since the area of the larger yarn will help fill the space of the specified aperture opening.

Holoholo Screens HAWAII. Phifer Authorized Dealer in Honolulu, Oahu. Sliding Door Repair, Restoration and Replacement Specialists. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii.

3. Try CO2 to Avoid NO SEE UMS

While No See Um screens are the best way to protect from No See Um bites, CO2 traps can help as well. These traps are designed to emit CO2 which attracts No See Ums and trap them before they can enter your outdoor living area.

CO2 traps are an ideal way to protect areas you are unable to screen and prevent those unwelcome guests from spoiling your summer fun.

4. Keep Your Yard Dry

To avoid No See Ums, it's important to keep your yard and other areas dry. No See Ums thrive in moist, wet environments and prefer the dampness as a result of high humidity. To combat this, be sure to mow grass regularly, trim trees and bushes, rake leaves and debris that could collect water, and empty standing water sources like buckets or rain barrels.

Additionally, make sure to keep all outdoor furniture and items covered if they can't be stored indoors. Doing these things will help ensure your property stays as dry as possible and minimizes the chances of No See Ums setting up a breeding ground on your property.

How Phifer Protects your Family from No See Ums. Holoholo Screens HAWAII. Phifer Authorized Dealer in Honolulu, Oahu. Sliding Door Repair, Restoration and Replacement Specialists. We are located at 94-547 Uke'e St. #112, Waipahu, HI 96797. HoloHolo Screens Sliding Door Repair Services across Oahu. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa in Oahu, Hawaii. Call: 808-374-5433


No See Ums are pesky little flying insects that can be difficult to avoid. By taking the proper precautions, however, you can help ensure No See Ums don't ruin your summer fun.

Installing Phifer No See Um mesh screen, setting up CO2 traps in areas that can't be screened, and keeping your yard dry will go a long way to help you and your family enjoy the pool, patio, and other outdoor living areas.

Custom Patio and Porch Screen Enclosures Experts at Holoholo Screens OAHU - The #1 Custom Porch Enclosures and Window & Door Screen Replacement Company in Honolulu. High-Quality and Affordable Screen Repair, Installation, and Restoration Services to all Residential and Commercial Customers near Waikiki, Waipahu, Ewa Beach, Aeia, Pearl City, Ala Moana, Diamond Head, Waimānalo, Kailua, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa, Maui, Big Island. Call: 808-374-5433

Our team at Holoholo Screens OAHU is here to help you create the perfect outdoor living space for your Honolulu island home.

We have been serving Oahu Homeowners, Property Managements, and Businesses SINCE 2008 with the top quality mobile screen work using the finest materials. Experience the Number #1 Window & Door Screen Replacement and Custom Patio & Porch Screen Enclosure Company.

Contact us at 808-374-5433 for a Custom Estimate


HoloHolo Screens OAHU is a small business that is family-owned located in Waipahu, Oahu that started in 2008 with the passion to provide HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PATIO ENCLOSURES, WINDOW & SLIDING DOOR SCREEN REPLACEMENTS, SECURITY DOOR INSTALLATIONS and more.

Holoholo Screens OAHU has been in the business for 25 years offering Custom Made Patio Enclosures throughout the Island of Oahu for Homes, Businesses, Property Managements and Hotels. Every Custom Patio Enclosures are built-on-site.

Enjoy the outdoors year long with HOLOHOLO SCREENS OAHU Custom Patio Enclosures. We also offer Pet Screens for Pet Lovers and Pest Resistant Insect Screens.

Custom Patio Enclosure Company in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. 

Holoholo Screens High-Quality and Affordable Window and Door Screen Replacement, Repair, and Restoration Crimsafe Authorized Dealer Best Screen Replacement Solutions Company Near Honolulu, Waikiki, Waipahu, Pearl City, Kailua, Oahu, Maui, Big Island. Call 808-374-5433


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Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm

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Reach out to HoloHolo Screens OAHU  We are Located in Waipahu, Honolulu, Oahu. Offering Custom Patio Enclosures, Security Screen Doors, Screen Window and Door Installations and Replacements.

Oahu's Mobile Window and Door Screen Replacement Professionals, also specializing in Custom Patio Enclosures.  Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa and surrounding areas in Oahu, Hawaii.


OFFERING YOU THE BEST SCREEN REPLACEMENT SOLUTION for your Windows, Patio Doors, Entry Doors and

Custom Patio Enclosures

Serving all of Oahu Island




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